To err is human. Mistakes that can cost us time, money and even reputations. Sometimes people get hurt. We come up with rules and procedures to minimize the chances of mistakes happening. We expect people to follow these rules and when they don’t we hold them accountable. This is how organizations exercise control.
However, oftentimes too much focus on rules and procedures can limit the results, because work is often more complex. To make progress we start by learning from successes and mistakes, not just ticking off a checklist.
Mind Affairs helps organizations to create a safe, learning-oriented working environment. Where employees feel empowered to deal with the complexity of their work. Teams build a culture of accountability and take each other's feedback seriously. Managers approach incidents with an open mind, taking into account both the interests of the organization and the experience of the employee. In this way, the organization takes steps to improve the day-to-day working environment, and learn. Because a learning organization is a future-proof organization, with committed professionals.
We offer tailor-made advice and development programs. Whether it concerns an incident analysis, management guidance or communication training, we determine together the best approach to strengthen the learning capacity of the organization.
Helene Akkerboom
Assessment and coach professional