About Us

Who we are

Mind Affairs provides support to organisations by enabling the effective deployment of human capital. Making sure individuals are aware of their true talent and are able to deploy it. Making sure they become all they can be, as individuals and as a team. To their own benefit and to the benefit of the organisation.

Helene Akkerboom

Helene Akkerboom, CEO of Mind Affairs, holds a masters (drs) in Psychology from the University of Amsterdam. Having worked in the management consultancy industry for many years she founded Mind Affairs in 2013. From a belief that there is more to people than observed behavior she wanted to create assessments and coaching that looked beyond, to get to the “bottom of the barrel” so-to-speak. Merely observing behavior says nothing about potential. So she set out to implement instruments to bring the undiscovered or latent talent to the surface.

Together with a network of senior industry professionals, together with which many years of coloration has seen the performance of individual and large scale projects for a wide selection of sectors in the market.

Allowing people and organisations to grow is my passion! I see this as indivisible from a solid understanding of talent. Merely relying on our day-today behavior risks denying some of our talent. Understanding this opens the doors to tackle situations in a new way and to create new possibilities! And when we experience that growth we always want more!

This has been the founding idea behind Mind Affairs, bringing talent to light for people and organisations alike. Let me help you find yours!

Helene Akkerboom
CEO Mind Affairs

Collaboration partners

At Mind Affairs we frequently collaborate with other senior industry professionals. In order to deploy additional skills and tools or to scale our operation to a specific project. Thanks to our long-term relationships with these partners we work well together and can easily adapt to the needs of the client. Quality, trust and independence are keywords for all of us.

Greve & 't Hart