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Effective assessments that uncover talent

Mind Affairs assessments provide clear and practical answers to the questions asked and offer clear advice for further development.

Through efficient use of time and tools assessments often only take half a day, so that your time investment remains limited. We put a lot of care into the personal guidance of the participant to make the assessment a positive experience.

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A suitable assessment for every question

Do you want insight into the suitability of a (potential) employee for a position, or do you want to know more about the development potential or personal motivations? We are happy to help you choose the right assessment.

Our assessments

Selection assessment

What qualities and skills does an employee have, and do these talents match the requested position and context?

Development assessment

How can an employee best develop talent, in relation to a specific position and context?

Motivation assessment

What talent does an employee have and what drives them? What kind of tasks are a good match?

Gain more insight in the talent of your people

Get in touch to find out more!

Helene Akkerboom

Assessment and coach professional

Helene Akkerboom